Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: To be so afraid of failure that you become paralyzed -- unable to move, respond or even say a word.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: ahwinters
Pronunciation: per + for + mort + iss
Sentence: Chuck's performotris was a particular liability in the bedroom.
Etymology: Perform + rigormortis
Hehe! Good one! - purpleartichokes, 2007-02-08: 12:32:00
Created by: chofu67
Pronunciation: fail lock
Sentence: We might have expected stammering or nervous gestures, but we were not prepared for his total failock in the face of a challenge from the floor.
Etymology: fail + lock as in vapor lock or lock up
Created by: w5lf9s
Pronunciation: para.lump
Sentence: "So, what did he do when she finally spoke to him?" - "Well, you know him, he's a paralump, stood there like a statue."
Etymology: paralyse+lump
Created by: toadstool57
Pronunciation: frEEze-frAmed
Sentence: The professor of David's Physics class got an inside tip that David has stolen the upcoming exam. When the professor confronted him, David just sat freezeframed, not being able to speak in his defense.
Etymology: freeze, as in motionless/ frame, as in catching one moment of time./ framed, being set up using false evidence.
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: trans/fig/urrd
Sentence: He became tancefigured before every exam. He became famous as moveable art.
Etymology: trance + transfigured
Created by: CharlieB
Pronunciation: part-ill-is-is
Sentence: Faced with social situations, Kevin was a nervous wreck. As soon as crossed the front door of his mate's birthday bash, he went into a rigid state of partylysis.
Etymology: party (social celebration, festivities) + paralysis (unmoving state)
Created by: mickey666
Pronunciation: eemoto-comit-osis
Sentence: Wracked with emotocomitosis, he pushed out his arms to shake hands before instantly drawing it back
Etymology: emoto - connected to matters emotional; comitosis - in a frozen, lifeless state
Created by: erasmus
Pronunciation: star ta lye sd
Sentence: colin was startalized to the point of hardly even breathing when tracy walked in to the room.
Etymology: from startled and paralyzed.
Created by: Antimus
Pronunciation: stiff-abled
Sentence: She looked at him in such a way, he became so stiffabled that he fell off his chair
Etymology: stiff (as in can't move) and unable, in past tense.
Created by: cryptc
Etymology: Error, and Immobilis from latin.

Today's definition was suggested by mana1066. If you have an idea that you'd like verbotomized, send it to us! Go to:
Thanks! ~ James
Today's definition was suggested by mana1066. If you have an idea that you'd like verbotomized, send it to us! Go to:
Thanks! ~ James
wordmeister - 2007-02-08: 14:08:00
Hey this room is nice.... Not too big