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DEFINITION: v., To shed one's skin in an effort to appear younger or healthier. n. The little bits peeling skin caused by overexposure to direct sunlight.
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Created by: nicolebolavage
Pronunciation: ten-u-derm-al
Sentence: She got a tenudermal in order to appear younger.
Etymology: tenu-stretch derm-skin mal-bad
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: der mok ra see
Sentence: Chris sunbathed too hard and always ended up burning and shedding away her skin. She felt this dermockracy made her appear more youthful by having the sun exfoliate for her. Instead she was becoming melabnormal.
Etymology: Derma (skin) & Mock (fool, copy, imitate) and WordPlay on Democracy (the doctrine that the numerical majority of an organized group can make decisions binding on the whole group)
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: ex-fol-ee-aged
Sentence: Instead of looking younger, Lucy's skin was so exfoliaged that she eventually started to look like an antique piece of leather, demonstrating the many years of sun-worshiping in her back yard.
Etymology: exfoliate: to remove layers of bark or skin;peel + foliage: leaves on plants and trees + aged: being of advanced age
Created by: danibriggs
Pronunciation: ben-A-durm-a-cure-ul
Sentence: My mother thinks by getting a benedermacural she will look twenty years younger and find a new boyfriend. She is so wrong.
Etymology: bene- good derma-skin cur-care
Created by: ashrogers1734
Pronunciation: der-ma-tent-less
Sentence: I will dermatentless my face tonight so I can look younger in the morning!
Etymology: derma - skin tent - stretched less - without
Created by: n3cr0m33p5
Pronunciation: der-ma-molt-in-o-sis
Sentence: Looks like Jessica had a session of dermamoltinosis over her vacation.
Etymology: derma - skin ; molt - to shed ; noun form (dermites) the little peeling bits
Created by: AcesOfHearts
Pronunciation: Ten-u-an-um
Sentence: She began to tenuanim her skin as she came back in from the hot sun from the beach outside.
Etymology: Tenu-Stretch Anim-Life
Created by: ysledd
Pronunciation: Heli-mal-skin-ian
Sentence: Because he didn't wear sunblock, he became a helimalskinian with blisters and dead skin covering his face.
Etymology: Heli: sun mal: bad skin ian: one connected with
Created by: suchipatel
Pronunciation: Cor-puh-rect
Sentence: The "classy" woman led a secret life of fake tans and corporecting.
Etymology: Corpor: Body Rect: Straighten, right To straighten (fix) the body.
Created by: hellohime
Pronunciation: Goldmembering - Goldmemb'ring
Sentence: From all the shedded skin on the floor, I could tell that, my girlfriend had been goldmembering for most of the night.
Etymology: Goldmembering - From the movie Goldmember where the character played as portrayed Mike Myers, had a predilection for peeling his own skin, saving it in a box and possibly eating it.

Today's definition was suggested by MrDave2176, and inspired by the fact that I got a little sunburn yesterday -- even though it's September. Thank you MrDave2176! ~ James
rikboyee - 2007-09-17: 04:01:00
its a new one!! oh happy day!!!!
Today's definition was suggested by MrDave2176. Thank you MrDave2176. ~ James