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'Ahhh! My hair! Don't let them see me like this!'

DEFINITION: v. To remain calm, steadfast and ploddingly systematic in the midst of a huge freaking disaster. n. A person who systematizes everything from their morning routines to personal relationships.

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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Kalm-a-ged-don

Sentence: When a fire broke out in the office, the normally shy and retiring Harry really showed his calmageddon side, he organised everyone into single file and led them calmly out of the building whilst telling awful jokes that made them almost forget the peril they were in.

Etymology: Calm (peaceful and undisturbed, make or become tranquil or quiet) + Armageddon ( catastrophic conflict). (see also 1998 disaster movie) = Calmageddon


metrohumanx CALMAGEDDON- nice. Very juxtapositional. - metrohumanx, 2008-07-10: 07:54:00

great etymology - Jabberwocky, 2008-07-10: 09:28:00

Great word AND "sentence." :) - lumina, 2008-07-10: 18:41:00

Another terrific word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-07-13: 18:09:00


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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: meth-odd-i-cool

Sentence: 007 was so methodicool that even in the midst of an attack by 500 professional bad guys he was able to remain calm and composed. Not only did he come up with a solution to destroy evil, kill all the bad guys and save the world; but his hair stayed perfectly in place the whole time, even in a Jaguar with the top down, making him even cooler and attractive to hot babes who wore bikinis to work.

Etymology: methodical: characterized by ordered and systematic habits or behavior + cool: marked by calm self-control; to be all that


That's 007 - never shaken or stirred! - Nosila, 2009-11-26: 09:14:00


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Created by: jschrady

Pronunciation: (sis-ta-man-ick)

Sentence: The way he organized everything on his desk in perfect right angles labeled him as a systemanic among the OCD world.

Etymology: system- A way of defining/organizing things into appropriate sections based on preference & manic- Over the top ridiculous about something

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: un/ruff/flud

Sentence: He remained completely unrufflood even when the rising waters were close to his chin

Etymology: unruffled + flood

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Created by: AlouattaPigra

Pronunciation: So see oh log

Sentence: "That damn Dane, always the sociologue! With everything so organized all the time, the need to sociologue spins me right 'round!" Said Lucielle so sharply that it made her own head hurt.

Etymology: Socio: L. Socius (companion) + Logue: Gk: Legein (say, count)

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Created by: toadstool57

Pronunciation: pla-sid-hed

Sentence: Dave had to be a placidhead because Jill was always chaotic.

Etymology: placid, acidhead

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: tran kwill am a tee

Sentence: His name was Placido The Gringo. He was a tech on 13th Floor who spoke the lingo. Besides his accessibility, he was blessed with sensibility and tranquilamity. When the alarms sounded flammibility in our facility, Placido shut down the systems auotmatically, with unflapability. While others did panic and behave manic, he was a stalwart systematic. Last to be rescued, he unfortunately miscued. It's a pity that the smoke affected his motility, so he'll now face permanent sterility. This will hurt him, no doubt, when his employer finds out. Because working for Xerox, Placido was in charge of reproductivity.

Etymology: Tranquility (a state of peace and quiet; a disposition free from stress or emotion)& Calamity (an event resulting in great loss and misfortune)

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Created by: CharlieB

Pronunciation: in-decks-orst-ive

Sentence: In the face of disaster, Sarah got tunnel vision. As her exasperated boyfriend pakced his suitcase to leave for a new life, she followed him round and indexhaustively rearranged the books he wasn't taking into alphabetical order.

Etymology: index (to put into order) + exhaustive (tiring out, draining) + ex (former partner or spouse)


cute - Nosila, 2011-04-15: 11:30:00


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Created by: nostalgia75

Pronunciation: ri-laks-i-mur-juhnt

Sentence: When the intense fire broke out at the circus, Coco the clown was surprisingly the most relaxemergent person there.

Etymology: Relax: to release oneself from inhibition, worry, tension, etc. Emergent: calling for immediate action; urgent.


metrohumanx RELAXMERGERT?...out of the inkwelll.... - metrohumanx, 2008-07-10: 13:05:00


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Created by: ErWenn

Pronunciation: /kəˈtæˌstɔːntʃ/

Sentence: When calamity strikes, it's often surprising to see who steps up to catastaunch the flow of disaster; it's not always whom you expect.

Etymology: from catastrophe + staunch (meaning both "steadfast" and "to stop the flow of")

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-05-10: 00:01:00
Today's definition was inspired by Cory Doctorow's short story "When Sysadmins Ruled the Earth" which is published in Overclocked, and was suggested by autophile. Thank you Cory and autophile! ~ James

nostalgia75 nostalgia75 - 2008-07-10: 13:08:00
I'm still grinning at this one. Well done!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-11-26: 00:04:00
Today's definition was suggested by doctorow. Thank you doctorow. ~ James