Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. A willingness to wait, forever if necessary, for the perfect opportunity. v. To be excessively patient.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Mobelia
Pronunciation: four-ti-spud
Sentence: He's fortispuding the opportunity to advance his career.
Etymology: from Fortitude meaning patience from Spud as in couch potato
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: for ever ber ans
Sentence: Baseball had not been very, very good to Joe. He waited patiently for the perfect pitch. He should switch, he'd never get rich, he made others twitch, he'd get jock-itch, there was always a glitch and many thought that the hitch was because he was under the spell of a witch. But Joe had foreverbearance. Most people thought he should play hockey and be satisfied being a Toronto Maple Leaf instead. Afterall he'd be in good company waiting for a Stanley Cup win since 1967!
Etymology: Forever (for a limitless time) & Forbearance (good-natured tolerance of delay)
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: lage/ess
Sentence: He lages for the perfect opportunity to buy the stock at the right time. Because of his lagesness, he often misses the ideal price point.
Etymology: lag + ages
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: for ber ans
Sentence: When Casey played baseball, his teammates called him Strike Four. He waited until the perfect pitch came his way, waiting for the fourth strike to be his lucky one. His fourbearance usually cost the team its game.
Etymology: Four (number) & Forbearance (good-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence)
Created by: CharlieB
Pronunciation: oh-ver-doh-stow-ick
Sentence: People sometimes wondered if Jim's placid acceptance in the face of life's onslaughts was motivated less by monastic zen, and more by an innate laziness and overdostoicism.
Etymology: overdose (an excessive amount) + stoic (one who is indifferent and free of passion)
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: op-ah-turn-it-ee
Sentence: she had turned down every man that had ever asked her out, because none of them were quite right...and by golly even if it took all the oppeternity she possessed... she would eventually find him
Etymology: opportunity, eternity
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: for ever ber ans
Sentence: Doug Out was one of the most patient hitters in the entire Baseball League. His patience was actually a foreverbearance and often drove his team members crazy. He would wait forever for the perfect pitch, but often ended up striking out for his inaction. When asked where he got his patience to act this way, his answer was simple. "Why everyone knows, a diamond is forever..."!
Etymology: Forever (for a limitless time) & Forbearance (good-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence; a delay in enforcing rights or claims or privileges; refraining from acting;exceptional patience & waiting ability)
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: wait-for-it-tude
Sentence: Bo had the right waitforitude to be successful in the major leagues, but he couldn't hit the fastball, so he became the oldest player in the minor leagues, staying there until he was finally let go. His waitforitude came in handy when he had to stand in the unemployment line.
Etymology: "Wait for it," said over and over by coaches to encourage batters to exercise patience at the plate was also a line from the Mel Brooks'movie "Robin Hood, Men in Tights." + fortitude: strength of mind to allow endurance in spite of obstacles
hey hey, good word! - splendiction, 2009-10-05: 22:54:00
Created by: buck180
Pronunciation: leth-ahr-JEC-tiv-iz-um
Sentence: The coach, while watching Billy during practice, realized the boy suffered from letharjectivism which caused him to hold his swing unless the pitch was absolutely perfect, and as a result he would need to cut Billy from the team.
Etymology: A pairing of lethargic (a severe lack of motivation) and perfectionism (striving for the paradigm).
Created by: ziggy41
Pronunciation: (ecks-ay-shense)
Sentence: She stood waiting there with exatience not realizing she had been stood up.
Etymology: "Excessive" (unrestrained) and "patience" (intolerance).
mplsbohemian - 2007-03-19: 10:42:00
This is the best batch of words I've seen yet. :)
wordmeister - 2007-03-19: 17:50:00
There so many good ones... But which one should I vote for? I'd like to zensist on a cialusmoment but I may have too much infinatience and succumb to preparalysis, or even aucoporence. Is this caseyatthebatititude, or just godotancy?
Verbotomy - 2009-10-05: 07:40:00
Hey Verbotomists, Great words last week. Nosila was the top player, but since she won "The Eyre Affair", the prize "Lost in a Good Book" goes to mrskellyscl. This week we are giving away Jasper Fforde's "The Well of Lost Plots". Be creative, and good luck to all. ~ James