Verboticism: Punitasker

'Please don't try to watch TV and eat at the same time!'

DEFINITION: n. A person who gets completely disoriented whenever they try to do more that one thing at a time. v. To make a big mess because you are trying to do too many things at once.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: pyoōnētaskr

Sentence: Julia had to work last Saturday so she asked John to take care or fixing dinner. Knowing that he had little experience in the kitchen, she detailed everything he needed to do. He followed her instructions to the letter. He seared and cooked the steaks, prepared the mashed potatoes and vegetables. He even heated an apple pie for dessert. Unfortunately, John is not only a uni-tasker he is a punitasker. Not being able to manage the details and timing involved in getting it all done at the same time he did them in sequence. First he cooked the meat, then the vegetables and so on. After each step he would add the component to a plate and put it in the warmer oven. By the time Julia got home the steaks had the same consistency as the china. That’s when John displayed his one real talent. He placed an order with the local Chinese restaurant. John’s cooking didn’t go completely to waste. The baby carrots he cooked worked perfectly as toothpicks.

Etymology: puny (small and weak) + task (a piece of work to be done or undertaken) play on uni-tasker (something that has only one function)

Points: 1004

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