Verboticism: Sleepleat

'Why do you iron our sheets every night?'

DEFINITION: n., The deep red lines and/or furrows, which appear on a person's face after they have slept on wrinkled or creased bed sheets. v., To wake up and discover that your face matches your wrinkled bed sheets.

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: shh ruts

Sentence: Oh my God, my face is full of lines and ruts from my sheets. Oh shruts!!! All over my face.

Etymology: This word is formed from the combination of the word "sheets" as in bed sheets and "ruts" as in deep furrows or marks left by an object.

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Created by: contiki

Pronunciation: cheek prints

Sentence: I woke up with some crazy cheekprints this morning. Looked like a treasure map on my face.


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Created by: Tigger

Pronunciation: nap-dōōd'-əl

Sentence: Ellen wondered why her husband had looked doubtful when she claimed she'd been busy cleaning all day -- although in truth, she had just woken up -- until she began wiping down the mirror, and she realized that she'd been marked by a huge napdoodle covering the whole right side of her face, her exaggeration betrayed by the web of creases from the pillow. She'd had a big snoozemap on her face the whole time.

Etymology: nap (Middle English, from nappen - "to doze") + doodle - "a design, or the like, made by idle scribbling" (Origin: 1935–40, Americanism)

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Created by: bbawden

Pronunciation: Fayss-eeng-straips

Sentence: Susanne was tired of her old look, so she was happy the next morning to find freshly applied facingstripes

Etymology: Face- that thing on your head Stripes, vertical or horizontal lines.

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: rip-van-WRING-kuhl

Sentence: After having forty winks which seemed like forty years to her, Roxie was horrified on waking to find her face ripvanwrinkled in a deep red phizgrid.

Etymology: Ripvanwrinkle: blend of wrinkle & Rip Van Winkle, an Irving Washington character who slept for 20 years. Phizgrid: Conflation of phiz: slang for face from physiognomy & grid: a network of crossing horizontal and vertical lines.


great minds and all that - that was the first word that sprang to my mind - so many good words today - Jabberwocky, 2007-11-26: 13:18:00


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Created by: bzav1

Pronunciation: my fault lines

Sentence: The wrinkled sheets left myfaultlines all over the left side of my face. It was like an "I can't get no" relief map of the Himilayas. I would need to use a tectonic plate of moisturizer to smooth it out.

Etymology: My + fault lines

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Created by: yellowbird

Pronunciation: wake-oh-ver

Sentence: Marge got the worst wakeover of her life while sleeping in a guest bed with an embroidered Tigger on the pillowcase.

Etymology: makeover + awaken


And what's so awful about walking around with a 'Tigger' impression on her face, Hmm? - Tigger, 2007-11-26: 11:20:00


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Created by: Nuwanda

Pronunciation: sleep-creese

Sentence: Kristie came to college wary of the power of a mid-day nap. And well through her freshmen year, she tried to deny the deep snoozes she took before dinner. Her hypocrisy finally got the better of her friends, who started mocking her sleepcrease mercilessly when she showed up late for dinner and claimed she was studying.

Etymology: sleep + crease

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: slum ber rum pulls

Sentence: On the morning after their honeymoon started, Wilma awoke with a bad case of the slumberumples...big red lines all over her face. Her groom, Will, thought it cute and endearing. Wilma ran to the bathroom and spent over an hour doing her ablutions. When she emerged, her smooth, creamy complexion had returned. She turned off the lights before she joined him in bed each evening. It took Will many years to realize that Wilma's skin had slumberumples 24/7 and during her morning routine, she was actually applying enough war paint and concealer to hide the awful truth. Yes, she had been born with what looked like a road map imbedded on the largest organ in her body...

Etymology: Slumber (be asleep)& Rumples (become wrinkled or crumpled or creased;to gather something into small wrinkles or folds)

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: lin-uhn-EYE-tis

Sentence: In spite of her concerted efforts to avoid the condition, Sheena continued to wake up every morning with a severe case of linenitis from having slept with her face buried in the wrinkled sheets.

Etymology: Linen with the suffix '-itis' (a suffix used in pathological terms)


Good one. - Mustang, 2008-10-23: 01:18:00


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