Verboticism: Insecuramorata

'Why were you looking at that girl?'

DEFINITION: n. A person who wants to monopolize all of someone's love and tries to prevent them from sharing it with others.v. To monopolize someone's love.

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Created by: hooterbug

Pronunciation: /in/seh/kyoor/a/mah/rah/ta

Sentence: Gina smiled as she passed by the couple walking towards her which earned the poor guy that grinned back at her a thump on the forehead by his insecuramorata.

Etymology: in·se·cure = subject to fears, doubts, etc.; not self-confident or assured: an insecure person+ Inamorata comes from Italian innamorata, feminine of innamorato, from the past participle of innamorare, "to inspire with love," from in- (from Latin) + amore, "love" (from Latin amor, from amare, "to love"). A man with whom one is in love is an inamorato.

Points: 830

Comments: Insecuramorata

Jabberwocky - 2008-06-24: 16:11:00