Verboticism: Cultasy

'Going where no man has gone before.'

DEFINITION: n. A pop culture entertainment property, which has transcended itself and become a de facto religion with legions of devotees, prescribed rituals and sacred texts. v. To follow a pop culture icon with unquestioning devotion.

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: cul/tas/ee

Sentence: Jenny and Joe met at an 'X-Men' convention in New York last year. The things they love most about their cultasy are the costumes and the chants recited three times a day in hopes that they will come in contact with the natural earth bound x-rays which will transform them like their heros. One of their favourite cultasy parting statements is: "May all the earthbound X-rays find your path today and lead you to freedom, purity and adventure."

Etymology: CULT (a group, or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, or ideal) + FANTASY (wondrous, or strange fancies; imaginative conceptualizing)

Points: 1031