Verboticism: Papyrupylump

'Oh yes, I keep notes for everything.'

DEFINITION: v., to post sticky notes all over the place, including sticky notes to remind you to read the previously posted sticky notes. n., an obsessive compulsive dependency on sticky notes.

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Created by: metrohumanx

Pronunciation: puh-PIE-ruh-PIE-lump

Sentence: Cynthiana acquired a lifetime supply of sticky notepads as a result of her long dating relationship with Art, who owned an office supply store. 3,691,140 little sheets of semi-adhesive paper of many colors festooned her work area, and began to spread across the office like a slime mold on steroids. She would hand them out like after-dinner mints, and all her co-workers had piles of the little pads jamming their desk drawers. One day her PAPYRUPYLUMP had reached ridiculous proportions and prompted a written warning from the Fire Inspector. The boss gave her two options: seek immediate help or be terminated at once. With her pouty lips frozen in a grimace of defeat, she returned to her PAPYRUPYLUMP and penned one last flourescent orange note to herself: " Call Therapist A.S.A.P."

Etymology: PAPYRUs+PYlon+LUMP=PAPYPYLUMP.....PAPYRUS:the pith of the papyrus plant especially when made into strips and pressed into a material to write on- Middle English papir, from Anglo-French, from Latin papyrus papyrus, paper, from Greek papyros papyrus .....PYLON:Greek pylōn, from pylē gate - a monumental mass flanking an entranceway or an approach to an office.....LUMP:middle english 14th century-a piece or mass of indefinite size and shape.....thus:PAPYRUPYLUMP

Points: 905

Comments: Papyrupylump

metrohumanx - 2008-08-25: 08:30:00
3M post-it pads were co-invented by Art Fry and Stephen Silver-Patent No.3.691,140- and are manufactured in Cynthiana, Kentucky.

Jabberwocky - 2008-08-25: 09:11:00
makes me think of the little drummer boy 'parumpapumpum'