Verboticism: Threembolism

'Oh yes, I keep notes for everything.'

DEFINITION: v., to post sticky notes all over the place, including sticky notes to remind you to read the previously posted sticky notes. n., an obsessive compulsive dependency on sticky notes.

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Created by: astorey

Pronunciation: th/ree/em/bowl/ism

Sentence: Margo's productivity--indeed, her very life--was completely obstructed by her compulsion to document every task, thought and reminder onto stickynotes and put them everywhere. The threembolism occurred when she couldn't find the note that told her where to start in processing all the other notes.

Etymology: 3M--creator of the Post-it Note (tm) combined with embolism--The sudden blocking of an artery by a clot or foreign material which has been brought to its site of lodgment by the blood current.

Points: 761

Comments: Threembolism

Jabberwocky - 2008-08-25: 13:16:00
love it - you and hooterbug are on the same wavelength

Nosila - 2008-08-25: 22:18:00
another good's like a threemergency!