Verboticism: Floeke

'The ice caps are melting!'

DEFINITION: v. To increase the world's liquid water supply (and dramatically raise the level of our oceans) by accidentally melting the polar ice caps. n. The rising seas and associated flooding due to melting ice caps.

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: flow - k

Sentence: It was a complete floeke that Noah had finished both the carpentry and the animal husbandry when the ice age was ended unexpectedly by the sudden impact of an armada of spaceships against the arctic ice cap. Was it an act of God, intelligent design, or a surreal blend of fact and fiction. In truth, Noah had no forewarning. He was a boatbuilder with a strange penchant for animals and a great deal of ambition. Coincidentallly about the same time he started construction, the lush who was Admiral started drinking rocket fuel "on the rocks", which resulted in him leading his flotilla of spaceships completely off course. Some twenty years later they crashed spectacularly into the Arctic Circle, en route to Betelgeuse, just as the pair of zebras clopped up the gangplank and the water lapped around the keel.

Etymology: floe (as in ice floe) + flow (as in water) + fluke (accident) + it sounds like a 4 letter exclamation

Points: 1160

Comments: Floeke

Nosila - 2009-03-17: 00:33:00
Interesting tale, petaj!

petaj - 2009-03-17: 04:51:00
surreal huh!