Verboticism: Purchaselessohcrap
DEFINITION: v. To go to the store and buy something, but then to forget to bring it home. n. A person who forgets what they bought -- until the credit card bill comes in.
Created by: abrakadeborah
Pronunciation: Pur-chas-less-oh-crap
Sentence: Steve had this problem of buying and misplacing items before he even gets them home...he would go looking for something he knew he had bought, then recalled his "purchaselessohcrap" and was angry at himself for losing his purchases! Steve had the habit of leaving things at the store or underneath the shopping cart and even recalls not reaching underneath the cart to retrieve them and arriving home purchaseless. His wife Amy, always checks behind him now to make sure he has his purchases and just where it is he placed them? He thinks his wife is just a nag...until he has to make a sharp right turn driving home and sees their baby in it's car seat go flying off the top of their SUV and bouncing off safely into the back of a pick up truck tansporting Steve YELLS, "OH CRAP!"
Etymology: Purchase:To obtain by paying money or its equivalent. Less:Of reduced size,extent,or degree. (I added "less" meaning missing a purchase you knew you paid for and you can't find you're purchaseless) Oh:Used in direct address of as in OH! NO!) Crap:Alteration of curse or (slang)to cuss.
Points: 878