Verboticism: Annoyhilate

'It didn't use to bug you'

DEFINITION: n. A personality quirk or habit, which at first blush seems "cute", but which can quickly become so annoying that it undermines personal relationships. v. To be habitually irksome.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: ənoiəlāt

Sentence: Genny really didn*t know how break up with Peter, so she set out to annoyhilate their relationship. He was able to tolerate the **dainties** hanging in the shower and the load of laundry where she **accidently** washed all his whites with her new red blouse. He could even grin and bear it when she picked her teeth in public. What finally put it over the edge and sent him packing was her laugh/snort. And she hadn*t even planned that one.

Etymology: annoy [irritate (someone); make (someone) a little angry] + annihilate [destroy utterly; obliterate]

Points: 581

Comments: Annoyhilate

Nosila - 2009-09-09: 14:39:00
good word...well describes all those annoyhellations!