Verboticism: Mockyoupation

'Do you really get paid to insult people?'

DEFINITION: n. A person who insults people for a living. v. To get paid to insult your customers.

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: mock-you-pa-tion

Sentence: Mary found an ideal mockyoupation in the medical field as an occupational therapist. She practiced stand up comedy while working with her patients to cheer them up and found that the laughter helped them heal faster. Thus she became known far and wide as an expert in the field of mockyoupational therapy -- the art of adding insult to injury.

Etymology: mock: to insult, tease or ridicule + occupation: line of work, vocation

Points: 503

Comments: Mockyoupation

artr - 2009-11-09: 06:47:00
Like it!

Nosila - 2009-11-09: 21:52:00
A sense of the mockabre...I like it!