Verboticism: Disdress

'But I've already shown you every shoe in the store...'

DEFINITION: v. To purchase a bauble, article of clothing, or major appliance, in order to alleviate anxiety or other psychological stress. Often leads to overspending. n. An item which has been purchased to fill an emotional void.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: dis dress

Sentence: When Sheila was feeling low, she always felt a little retail therapy went a long way. She found articles of clothing the most soothing to lift her mood. Her latest disdress was a simple little black cocktail number, in case her life improved and she ever might get invited out somewhere...she'd be ready.

Etymology: Distress (psychological suffering) & Dress (a one-piece garment for a woman; has skirt and bodice;clothing in general)

Points: 506