Verboticism: Cutlerivore

'Ewhh! You're eating chocolate-covered ants with a knife and fork!?'

DEFINITION: v., To use a knife and fork to eat foods like hamburgers, pizza, or pigeon wings, which are customarily consumed using one's hands. n., A person who is afraid to eat food touched by human hands.

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: kut-le-REE-voor

Sentence: When Bob's cobbers saw him hoe into his tucker - a hamburger with the lot -with the silverware, they sat there like stunned mullets. And Roxie gave Doc Howlong a tingle to come and see what was up with Bob. On being told that Bob may have a touch of the barcoo rot, Roxie chucked a wobbly, thinking that Bob was a goner about to tumble off the twig at any tick of the clock. But in the end, it was decided that Bob was simply a cutlerivore, and that Roxie's only real worry would be the "elliot ness".

Etymology: Blend of cutlery & vore: one who will touch and eat food only with cutlery. (not one who eats cutlery: consider philanderer!)

Points: 527

Comments: Cutlerivore

Scrumpy - 2007-10-09: 09:52:00
Funny one OZ!

Jabberwocky - 2007-10-09: 15:13:00
good one!