Vote for the best verboticism.

'If this snow flea dies...'

DEFINITION: n. An individual, or an organization, which profits by selling fear of imminent global destruction and/or eternal damnation. v. To profit from the prophecy of doom.

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Created by: Osomatic

Pronunciation: green-fleece (pretty obvious)

Sentence: The girl was from the Jackalopes Forever Foundation, which I found out later is nothing but a greenfleece.

Etymology: Greenpeace (environmental activist group) + fleece (to swindle out of money)


Good word sodium! The question is, did you donate? - wordmeister, 2007-02-06: 00:26:00

Excellent! Even better as a verb, but it works as a noun too. - ErWenn, 2007-02-06: 01:13:00

cool! can I get a sticker? - Alchemist, 2007-02-06: 08:27:00

It just rolls off the tongue. It's worthy of adoption by the general populace. - chofu67, 2007-02-06: 11:00:00

very funny - Jabberwocky, 2007-02-06: 12:19:00

Whoops! Dangit. I didn't mean to "join the group." Sorry, sodium, I'm not trying to snag your play! - Osomatic, 2007-02-06: 13:53:00


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Created by: ahwinters

Pronunciation: Gor + Hor

Sentence: That global warming thing really got her riled, she dedicated her life to the path of a true Goreqwhore after that.

Etymology: Al Gore + Whore

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Created by: toadstool57

Pronunciation: hOly-cost

Sentence: The preacher hailed fire from the pulpit. Telling his flock to donate money to his cause, or they could be damned for eternity. He uses the old holycost trick to extract money.

Etymology: holy, as in religigous/holocaust, devastation or destruction/cost, as in money

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Created by: Ecke21

Pronunciation: Re luge irs

Sentence: The Reluegers have no concern for the human race at all, they can only see their need for world domination.

Etymology: Relueger... religious liar

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: uh-nahy-uh-loo-kruh-tiv

Sentence: As much as the end of the world, as predicted by the Mayan calendar, has been in the news Jill decided to make some money from it. She has started a company that produces calendars that only go to December 21, the supposed last day for Earth. It has proved to be very annihilucrative.

Etymology: annihilation (Utter destruction. ) + lucrative (productive, well-paid )

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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: ar-ma-GED-dik

Sentence: When the world did not stop turning on February 6th, Bob realized he had been suckered in by yet another armageddick.

Etymology: Armageddon, ...

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Created by: DaddyNewt

Pronunciation: flim-o-fiz-um

Sentence: I will not be taken in by your flimophism

Etymology: flimflam + sophism

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Created by: ErWenn

Pronunciation: /&-'pä-k&-"lEch/

Sentence: Some environmentalists will tolerate corporate interests because they hope that they will bring attention to worthy causes even if their motivations are purely selfish, while others warn that too many apocaleeches will harm the public opinion of the cause.

Etymology: From apocalypse + leech


Nice one! - BMott, 2007-02-06: 03:05:00

Thanks. - ErWenn, 2007-02-06: 19:11:00


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Created by: rikboyee

Pronunciation: shock-bro-kerr

Sentence: he was a lousy husband, a hopeless father and a horrible man... but by god he was the best damn shockbroker i'd ever met

Etymology: shock, stockbroker


Good one! - purpleartichokes, 2007-02-06: 07:19:00


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Created by: Javeson1

Pronunciation: proff-fit-ter-or-ist

Sentence: Profiterrorists are making a bad name for those conservation groups that actually have a legit cause to defend.

Etymology: profiteer+terrorist

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ErWenn - 2007-02-06: 22:47:00
Too many good words; not enough votes.

squirreleater - 2009-09-11: 17:23:00
I would have gone with republicans