Vote for the best verboticism.

'Just a second, I have call waiting...'

DEFINITION: n. A person who engages themselves in several different communication channels at the same time, without paying attention to any of them v. To constantly switch your focus between cellphone calls, text messages, emails, and anything else that beeps.

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Created by: nickmarziani

Pronunciation: sell-yule-ars (as in arson)


Etymology: Cellular + arse

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: skan dye lus

Sentence: Her behaviour was scandialous, scanning every dial within sight, texting with both hands while steering with her chest.

Etymology: scandalous, scan, dial.


Great dialect! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-28: 09:32:00

very funny galway - Jabberwocky, 2008-02-28: 12:43:00


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Created by: drewsky




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Created by: JoFos

Pronunciation: Constant - comms - a- tentive




someone's attention is constantly taken by communication tools - JoFos, 2008-02-28: 15:08:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: twit-er-feyst

Sentence: Email, tweets, texts, phone calls - it's all too much for Barbara to handle. You can tell she has zoned out because she is completely twitterfaced. Right now she is so flummoxed that she is pushing buttons on her celly trying to respond to the beeping of the delivery truck that is about to back up into her car.

Etymology: Twitter (Twitter is an online social networking service and microblogging service) + Facebook (a social networking service) + faced (adjective describing a person who is severely intoxicated)

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Created by: ErWenn

Pronunciation: /ˈiˌdʒʌgḷ/ /EE-Juhg-l/

Sentence: He was an inveterate faultitasker, and he used e-juggle at three portable electronic devices while carrying on polylogues with four different friends. Unfortunately, he can't do this anymore, so he now uses seven devices and has zero friends. In the end, he figured it's all the same, right?

Etymology: from e(lectronic) + juggle


See for the origin of "faultitask". - ErWenn, 2008-02-28: 09:28:00

Three great high-tech creates! You hit the juggler vein with this one! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-28: 10:02:00

Jugglers and desultors - must be a circus in town! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-02-28: 15:41:00


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Created by: rimag




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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: Like the dance - cha cha cha

Sentence: Loquacia's stint on "Dancing with the Stars" was shortlived. She was fully kitted up with Blackberry, iPhone, walkie talkie, and netbook for every rehearsal. Instead of practising the paso doble and the foxtrot, she kept doing the chatchatchat.

Etymology: cha cha cha - an up tempo dance step + chat (communicate)

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Created by: jajsr

Pronunciation: Pet-tech-e-span

Sentence: Cyndi was in a pickle. Her kids called her cell phone so she could pick them up from school; her mom called about visiting later that evening; her husband texted her saying he'd be home late; and her boss e-mailed her about the business trip next week. Overwhelmed by all of the ringing and beeps from her phones, Cyndi forgot to pick up her kids. When she showed up to pick up her kids two hours late, she apologized to her kids and blamed her tardiness due to her pettechispan.

Etymology: Mixture of "Pet" from Petty: Having secondary rank or importance; "Tech" from Technology - relating to different electronic media; and "Span" - relating to having a small attention span.

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Created by: LoftyDreamer

Pronunciation: Sing it!

Sentence: ...even though the sound of it is really quite atrocious...Congolia couldn't break herself of the supercellatextemailacallmenowadocious habit of checking her iPhone every two minutes.

Etymology: Loosely based on "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" from Mary Poppins.


libertybelle fun to sing!! - libertybelle, 2008-12-15: 12:21:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-02-28: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by magillo. Thank you magillo. ~ James

silveryaspen - 2008-02-28: 10:05:00
Fun definition! It's and inboxed knock out!

silveryaspen - 2008-02-28: 10:11:00
That should be ... an ... not and ... in my comment above! This is what happens when my fingertips think they can override my brain!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-05-11: 00:04:00
Today's definition was suggested by magillo. Thank you magillo. ~ James

Genkareink - 2019-05-13: 06:53:00
http://xn--80afhpoahcbjlch1a1d7d.xn--p1ai/forum/index.php?PAGE_NAME=profile_view&UID=151424 http://www.meri

Svetikreink - 2019-05-13: 06:55:00;u=63829