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'But I don't want my hamburger in a car'

DEFINITION: v. To ignore conventional wisdom and traffic rules by walking in areas normally restricted to motor vehicles. n. An aggressive pedestrian who feels it is their god-given right to walk in the middle of the road.

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Created by: NAKEDPANDA2

Pronunciation: Cephal-path


Etymology: cephal -head path -idk

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Created by: pandaman

Pronunciation: a-cure

Sentence: He acures in the drive-thru.

Etymology: without care

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Created by: patrick

Pronunciation: an-en-ceph-alo

Sentence: The anencephalo was waliking through traffic during rush hour.

Etymology: an-not without, Greek encephalo-brain, Greek

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: pestestrēən

Sentence: Motorists get angry enough when another driver does something stupid that backs traffic up. They really get steamed when a self-important pestestrian with an I-dare-you-to-hit-me attitude decides to cross the street in the middle of the block.

Etymology: pest (an annoying person or thing; a nuisance) + pedestrian (a person walking along a road or in a developed area)


nice - galwaywegian, 2010-09-13: 06:08:00


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Created by: Bughunt

Pronunciation: hi (rhymes with high) - way - dum

Sentence: The person was waiting for the man clearly expressing hiwaydum character to get out of the way. Though the food anagrism didn't help.

Etymology: HI + WAY + DUM. Root words: highway, high, way, dumbo, dumbness, dum

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Created by: smepeoplechange

Pronunciation: An-throw-op-o-lith-o-man-e-a

Sentence: The Anthropolithomania was obssessed with walking upon the road.

Etymology: Anthropo- man, human lithio- stone, rock mania- excessive desire/mental aberration

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Created by: jleit

Pronunciation: Ayn Drag Nos

Sentence: Stupid andragos!

Etymology: a-andr-gnos

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: look syde wal ker

Sentence: It was at the Galaxy Burger Drive-In that the lookskywalker first appeared. He ignored all the Meteors, Comets, Galaxies, Saturns,Pulsars, Tauruses, Novas and Eclipses and instead walked up to place his order. The girl taking his order was at first reticent, but then he noticed she was gorgeous...phasars on stunning. She was Venus and all he wanted instead of a burger was to experience the Big Bang Theory.

Etymology: Luke Skywalker (hero of Star Wars fame) & Look (see) & Sidewalker (someone who stays on the sidewalk to amble)

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Created by: FreakyDeak

Pronunciation: soo-ih-syde-wok

Sentence: He sure does love to suisidewalk. Maybe we should buy him a helmet instead of a car.

Etymology: Suicide + Sidewalk

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Created by: abrakadeborah

Pronunciation: Dum-bull-threw

Sentence: Shmoe went walking one day and realized he was starving! As he was walking he noticed a blister on the heel of his foot and he was too tired to go inside the burger joint. So, he walks up to the drive through and cuts in line in front of the cars. Thelma at the drive through could not believe this jerk would do such a "Dumbelthrough" act at the drive through.

Etymology: To be dumb and cut through in front of others. (no manners)

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-03-02: 00:01:01
Today's definition was suggested by metrohumanx. Thank you metrohumanx. ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-09-13: 00:41:00
Today's definition was suggested by metrohumanx. Thank you metrohumanx. ~ James