Vote for the best verboticism.

'I wish that girl would talk to me...'

DEFINITION: v. To get what you wished for, but not exactly what you wanted. n. A wish come true that's a total let down.

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Click on each verboticism to read the sentences created by the Verbotomy writers, and to see your voting options...

You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.


Created by: labareda




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Created by: elstiko

Pronunciation: Air-Iss-L-appe-d

Sentence: After praying for relief form the drought, Mark was erislapped by torrential rains which destroyed his entire village.

Etymology: Slapped by Eris


baloney! - elstiko, 2006-12-13: 23:12:00


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Created by: neoss




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Created by: Alchemist


Sentence: One beer left, but it was flat! Boomafied again!

Etymology: Boom from Boomarang to turn upon oneself, and fy, from gratify to gratify...

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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: diss-dreem-may

Sentence: She couldn't wait to get her new Ken doll for Christmas but suffered much disdreamay when she discovered that he had plastic hair and not flowing real hair like Barbie.

Etymology: dismay (thwarted, disappointed) + dream (wish, hope)

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Created by: danboaz

Pronunciation: dis-wish-illia

Sentence: Carl was plagued with his curse of diswishillia, a disease you would not want to wish on your wordt enemy

Etymology: dis: away, wish + illia: disease

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: fan tass eeek

Sentence: The fantasy became a fantaseek when he tried to undo the bobbles on her bikini bottoms and found that they weren't bobbles

Etymology: fantasy, eek

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Created by: thedreness

Pronunciation: Dee-zigh-err-flu-us

Sentence: To gaze into her yearning eyes longingly was sufficient. To have her boyfriend come from their table to mine to ask me if I had a problem was desirefluous...

Etymology: Desire + Superfluous

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Created by: Luke01

Pronunciation: Dis-re-kuest

Sentence: The man made a disrequest to...

Etymology: Dislike request

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: wuish - rek

Sentence: Oliver was the victim of a wishwreck this week. This often happened to him. He would build up a fantasy about something or someone in his mind and when he finally got what he wanted, reality was often disappointing.

Etymology: wish, wreck


artr Reality is for those who lack imagination - artr, 2009-07-28: 09:39:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2006-11-24: 10:21:00
ATTENTION ALL PLAYERS: Round One is ending today and we will be declaring the first official Verbotomy winner!

We will start Round Two on Monday with fresh scores -- i.e. everyone starts with zero!

So please cast your final votes for this round's verboticisms today. Good luck!

wordmeister - 2006-11-24: 11:16:00
Good word chris. I have been giftmiffed a few times. Hey, does anyone know what the official title will be for the game winner? They should be able to come up with a good title. How about adding "VbD" to the playername since the winner should be awarded a "Doctorate in Verbotomy".

- 2006-11-24: 11:40:00
The winner (mother?) will be drunk with the power, so how about "Verbloto"?

- 2006-11-24: 11:48:00
Mother drunk?? Never!!! (heavy sarcasm)

- 2006-11-24: 11:50:00
the two styles of drawings seem blended now - very cool

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2006-11-24: 13:49:00

deadpanwalking - 2006-12-05: 11:09:00
My vote's for Mother. Consistently clever. Having said that ... watch your back in round 2!