The create-a-word game

DEFINITION: n., An animal, usually a much loved pet, whose dead and departed owner has bequeathed a huge sum of money solely for its comfort and care. v. To leave part or all of an estate to a pet animal.
Top verboticism of the day created by MrDave2176
Pronunciation: PEST-a-ment
Sentence: Marvin's last will and pestament provided for the care of his aging cat Lola until she died or she had to be put down due to complications. Lola was buried by Marvin's relatives the week following his funeral. Poor thing, at least she didn't suffer.
Etymology: Pets/pests + testment (as in last will and...)
Created by: MrDave2176.
More Top Verboticisms:
(Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)
Hamstheir: /ham - stair/ Henrietta left her favorite pet, Helena, the bulk of her fortune. She wanted to make sure that her BFF Hamster was pampered, pleased, petted and perfumed until the day she too passed into the next world. Before Henrietta died, she even started referring to Helena as her special hamstheir. Etymology: Hamster (rodent, often kept as a pet), Heir (someone who inherits money, position or posessions). Created by: mweinmann.
Inharetance: /in hare eh tans/ Elmer Fudd left a large inharetanse of his carrot patch farm to Bugs Bunny. Etymology: inherit and hare Created by: skeeterzirra.
Aniqueath: /ˈanə - ˈkwēT͟H/ Miss Helmsley wished now she had killed him herself, for the estate she thought was all hers, had been aniqueathed to Scruffy! Etymology: "ani" (from animal) + "queath" (from bequeath = to declare, given by will Created by: DrWebsterIII.
To see more verboticisms for this definition go to: I am deeply saddened by my master's departure...
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More Verboticisms! See the winning words for: I need to feel sexy again! Give me Britney's abs!
Today's definition was suggested by OZZIEBOB. Thank you OZZIEBOB! ~ James
ErWenn - 2007-09-22: 16:44:00
Lots of obvious ways to go today...I think today's winner will likely be the one who got here first.
Today's definition was suggested by OZZIEBOB . Thank you OZZIEBOB . ~ James
GENIUS!!! (how'd I miss it)
Yesterday and today's definitions are giving me deja vu. Haven't we done these once before?
maybe we have to branch out and come up with definitions
EVERYONE HAD A GREAT WORD!!! but i'm giving Sethyll the crown today